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Hey! I've probably got more time than you do to find stuff

Technocrat's Blogroller-in-Chief says Check it out!

Place of Honor: The Oracle's First Subscriber

The Handbasket by Marisa Kabas led the charge to flush the facile free speech absolutism from the enablers of nazi/fascist publications on The journalists who are now being let go at the LA Times and other old media outlets will have some catch up to do to get to her level of reporting.


Bug-eyed and Shameless Justin Ling is a Montreal-based freelance journalist, podcast host, book-writer who has a beat that includes the outsourcing of state-sponsored political manipulation.

The Newstand

Bob Rudis, aks hrbmaster is rumored to be triplets and their younger brother who rotate shifts at work as a CyberKnight doing heavy lift threat detection and neutralization, political activism, trying out every new tool or upgraded tool across the dev-spectrum and the kid brother is the scribe who pumps it out to us several days of the week. That is the only convincing explanation that I could come up for the output of his newsletter. It's rumored that he also has a family for whom he multitasks.

Frank Harrell's datamethods discussion is where the statistics boffins have begun to hang out under the leadership of one of the modern legends. Reading the traffic there is like an eager but unreated chess player watch tournament play just to pick up whiffs of the levels of play far above.

The Last Sushi—revived Jesuit marketing program for the mission to the Japanese