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The Lost Gospel of Art

"These who claim to know My will and My plan, they are filled with pride and risk their eternal souls. Though they profess to be redeemed by the blood of My only begotten Son, they understand not My will

In concert signing the Hymn from the Book of Art

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And it came to pass that the LORD did call upon the Archangel Paul-Simons of Queens. And the LORD spake unto him, saying, "Go forth, My faithful servant, across the great waters to the lands which the Gentiles name the New World, where they err in their ways, denying My Word. For I have made but one Earth, and it lieth to the east of Eden, and the lands wherein they dwell are not for starting anew.
"Journey thou to the offspring of the tribes lost since the ancient days, for among them are many who walk in darkness, not knowing Me, and who have broken the sacred Covenant I made with Noah after the deluge that cleansed the earth. And remember the command I gave unto Moses, My servant, that none shall worship other gods before Me, for I am a God of jealousy, and I shall visit them with trials, as I did Job, who was righteous in My sight, if they turn not from their ways.
"These who claim to know My will and My plan, they are filled with pride and risk their eternal souls. Though they profess to be redeemed by the blood of My only begotten Son, they understand not My will.
"Sing unto them, amidst the secular humanists, a hymn of the divine mystery with which I move upon the face of the earth. Let it be a tune pleasing to the ear, that My words may be carried on the very air to all corners of the world, and the faithless shall be confronted with their own transgressions."
And so the Archangel Paul-Simons of Queens descended unto the lands of the Gentiles and sang the hymn of the LORD unto those who called themselves secular humanists. But the people, descendants of the lost tribes, heeded him not. They persisted in their sin, and the LORD, in His great wrath, sent a false prophet from Queens to lead them astray, casting spells abhorrent in His sight.
Yet the LORD Almighty hath His own design, and His plan is righteous. Blessed be the name of the LORD forevermore, as it is this day, and as it was in all the days past.
And the Archangel did sing

God only knows
God makes his plan
The information's unavailable
To the mortal man
We work our jobs
Collect our pay
Believe we're gliding down the highway
When in fact we're slip slidin' away

Paul Simon 1977 slip slidin' away

Mascot of the Day

Thus Saveth the Preacher


Counting chickens

Counting chickens

Refining polling models. It's the received wisdom of the ages—don't rely on events that haven't happened yet. On the other hand, don't bring a knife to a gunfight, either.

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